Just one thing! Mindfulness

Status:Active, open to new members
Angela Town
Deputy Leader:
Sandra Dunderdale
Group email: Just one thing! Mindfulness group president@u3aoliva.org
When: Monthly on Wednesday afternoons 4:30 PM-5:30 PM
Venue: Tasca Olivense
Cost: 1 euro per session ( to help with payments for professional speakers)

Just one Thing? or Mindfulness

I, along with thousands of other people, was saddened to hear about the death of Michael Mosely. He must have inspired so many people over the years to change things for the better to improve their life. I enjoyed listening to his podcast 'Just one Thing', where he offered up options that could help your mind or body as you aged. I took up the daily Olive Oil advice and it has definitely stopped a lot of aches and pains.

Listening to his many snippets of advice got me thinking, and after a chat with Sandra, the Social Support Officer, we have decided to run a monthly (to begin with) workshop/meeting/talk to help our members who may have physical or mental issues that they maybe prefer an alternative answer to than a prescription. We are not claiming to be experts with answers, but more offering choices and different options and a chance to try or learn about something new; this can be anything that may be beneficial for mind and body.

Some of the ideas we have had so far:

  • Speakers: hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, massage, life coach, addiction, 
  • Activities: Chair yoga session, learning to play a musical instrument, singing, painting. board/card games, 
  • Meetings: listening to a podcast, watching videos etc., discussing ideas and sharing experiences
  • Small Groups for : Walking,  swimming and visiting the cat rescue centre to help socialise the cats for rehoming.

Nothing is set in stone and we welcome any feedback or ideas, especially if you can recommend a speaker or an idea for an activity. Who or what do you think will help members to improve their body or mind?

We hope to make this a group where everyone feels supported and will feel happy and confident to discuss issues and ask for help.

The meetings/activities will be held on a Wednesday afternoon 4.30 - 5.30pm at Tasca Olivense, the first one proposed for Wednesday October 9th. with Iber (tutor for chair yoga) presenting an interactive short taster session for chair yoga and also discussing the benefits of meditation and other relaxing methods.

There will be a 1 euro charge per person each meeting. This money will be used to pay for future professional speakers.

Please contact Sandra on Social@u3aoliva.org or Angela on president@u3aoliva.org to register your interest.