U3A newsletter
Dear reader
Good day everybody,

This message is official notification that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held by online video conference at 10.30am on Thursday 26th May.

The purpose of the meeting is to deal with the following business:
• to approve the minutes of the May 2021 AGM
• to approve the annual audited accounts year ending 31st August 2021
• to approve new Officers and Committee Members of the Association for the coming year
• to approve the annual subscription for 2022-2023 of €10
• to answer any previously notified questions or issues that members have raised.
At the AGM we are required to elect the Officers and Committee Members, therefore we will use an online voting form for the election this year.
As the Constitution requires a minimum AGM attendance of 50 people to constitute a quorum, the quorum will be formed from the number of replies received from registered members.
All paid-up members of the Association are encouraged to attend the online AGM, to be held by Zoom video meeting. Please advise the Secretary by email by 20th May if you wish to attend, to send your apologies, or if you have any difficulties accessing the online links: secretary@u3a-oliva.org
As per the Constitution, the online form will constitute the ballot.
Below you will find the link to the 2022 AGM voting Form.
We require your approval for:
• Audited Accounts for 2020-2021
• AGM 2021 Minutes
• Membership Fee for 2022-2023 of €10
• Amendments to the Additional Policies.


Please ensure you have returned your completed form by the 20th May 2022.

All documents (AGM Agenda, the Audited Accounts, 2021 Minutes and Amendments to Additional Policies) can be accessed by following the link:

La Asociación de la Universidad de la Tercera Edad de Oliva (U3A Oliva)
Annual General Meeting
To be held at 10.30am on Thursday 26th May 2022
by online video
Zoom Meeting Link: to be advised

1. Apologies for absence
2. Review the voting/approval for the minutes from the AGM 2021, and sign. The 2021 minutes can be found on the website
3. Review the voting/approval for the annual audited accounts year ending 31st August 2021. The 2021 audited account statement can be found on the website
4. Review the voting/approval for each Officer position and confirm
5. Review the voting/approval for the remaining Committee members
6. Review the voting/approval for a 2022-2023 Annual Membership Fee of €10
7. Review the voting/approval for the amendment to the Existing Policies (Supplementary to the Constitution) Document:
i. Existing Policies: Instructors
8. Review any questions raised by a member and answered by the President
9. Note any comments raised by a member on the voting form
10. AOB
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