Help & Support group

To do something kind or useful, because some else has done something kind or useful for you

Pay it forward

The Help & Support group is all about empowering and helping our members. The vision is to use our natural empathy, sympathy, resources and community spirit to help and support each other when needed, by donating an hour here or there, or loaning your resources as and when you can.

The group will offer:

  • a monthly meet up, with extra help with tricky apps or forms
  • a list of items that can be loaned when needed, like car seats or even medical equipment
  • help from volunteers with tasks like dog walking, shopping or offering lifts.

Resources from previous meetings

Here is a list of helpful information and resources, which will be updated following the relevant meeting.

Digital Certificates - Introduction

Our help & support group

The U3A here in Oliva is keen to set up a support group to help our members who may be lonely, or temporarily house-bound, or have no transport  - anything, in fact, which means they feel somewhat 'cut off'.

In order to start the ball rolling, we need to form an idea of what you are prepared to offer, or do, and roughly how often or for how long.

We would really appreciate your help in this project, starting with your completing this form.

If you would like to help, or would like some help, please contact Angela on 697848110, who will get in touch with the member about availability.

Time Resources

Out and About
Help with shopping
Pharmacia collection
Household / company
Company and chat
Help with some household tasks
Meet for coffee/chat
Dog Walking
Feeding pets
Help taking to a vet
IT and Phones
Laptop or PC issues
Help setting up
Internet issues
Help with phones and apps
Facebook support
Form filling
Small DIY tasks
Small gardening tasks

Item Resources

Medical and mobility
Walking sticks
Toilet booster/raised seat
Rubber waterproof leg condom
Boosters seats (3)
Basic buggy
Child’s basic Car seat

Household items
Oil radiators
Floor or table fans
Assorted small tools including electric hedge trimmer