Group leaders play a valuable role in u3a Oliva. Each group normally has a leader and a deputy leader. You'll find their details on each group's own page. They co-ordinate each of our groups, helping us offer so many activities to members. They are all volunteers, who share their experience and skills with others.
The role of a group leader
- Arrange date, time and place for meetings of the group
- Keep a register of the group members
- Confirm participants are current u3a Oliva members
- Co-ordinate the activities of the group
- Keep the group's web page up to date
- Inform the press secretary of any interesting group news
- Keep in touch with other group leaders to share information and skills
u3a Oliva supports groups through loaning equipment including a laptop, projector and screen, a PA system and music centre, and a mobile phone. There may also be financial support from the central fund available if the group needs resources such as materials or equipment.
The groups co-ordinator can share the policies and additional guidance you need.
Useful documents:
- Group Leader responsibilities
- Attendance Record in DOC format (for completing electronically)
- Attendance Record in PDF format (best for printing)
Getting involved
If you'd like to get involved in an existing group, or fill a vacancy, start by talking to the group leader or the central co-ordinator. And if you'd like to help out with the u3a, perhaps by joining the committee, helping co-ordinate members or looking after the website, then we'd welcome your help.