No longer working full time? Make the most of your life here in Spain by keeping an active mind and body. Our members enjoy a wide range of activities from learning Spanish to appreciating art and playing sport. They also get to make new friends and to socialise with existing ones.

Latest news

Featured group

The Photography Group is open to everyone, whether you're taking photos on your phone, or have some photography gear.

It's a great way to learn how to take better photographs, with monthly assignments / outings.

They're a really friendly group and welcoming to all.

Forthcoming events

Thursday 19th September 2024
10:30am - 12:00pm

Coffee and Chat

Coffee morning where you can chat with other members, pay your subscriptions (cash or card), ask the committee questions, and hopefully talk to a few group leaders about their groups; […]
Venue: Tasca Olivense

Friday 20th September 2024
11:00am - 12:30pm

Meet and Greet U3A Oliva

Sandra and Allan will be available for advice or questions about U3A Oliva and can take payments and sign people up. We understand that not everyone s available on a […]

You'll find the schedule of our groups on their own homepages