A message from the President
I hope everyone had a good summer, whether here, travelling or back in your home country.
I'm not sure about you but I feel I have passed a test by surviving the heat of August, as well as coping with a continual turn around of guests. I'm looking forward now to it being a little cooler and hopefully more relaxing.
The committee and the webmaster have all been busy through the summer, lining up trips and events, speakers and keeping the webpage fresh and setting up a new subscription system.
So there's lots to tell you about this month...
Just one thing
But before we get started, I, along with thousands of other people was saddened to hear about the death of Michael Mosely. He must have inspired so many people over the years to change things for the better to improve their life. I've been thinking about how we can use some of his ideas about Mindfulness to help tackle a range of issues, problems and challenges.
It's time to renew
As the new membership approaches, it's time to renew your membership for 2024/25. But don't worry - it's still just 10€ a year.
It's really easy to renew. The simplest way is to pay online by card, as we'll be able to confirm your membership straightaway. But you can also pay by bank transfer if you prefer.
You can also pay in person by coming along to one of our regular coffee mornings - we can take payments by contactless card or in cash. Check the dates of our next coffee mornings. If you come to the coffee morning at Tasca Olivense on Thursday 5th September, we'll even treat you to a drink to welcome you back.
Our new system
We have a brand new and simpler system this year, so once your membership is confirmed, you'll get an electronic membership card emailed to you, which will also include a membership number. The card is an easy way to show group leaders that you're a current paid-up member, And your new membership number will be handy for booking events and trips in the future too - so keep it safe.
This year we're also asking for some optional extra information when you sign up - such as your phone number (only for necessary contact). We are also asking for your town / postcode and your date of birth. This helps us better understand our membership - where they live, and the age demographics - which will help us with bids and discussions with the Ajuntament.
Update on the Pensionistas
We are still waiting hear news regarding the Pensionista centre - and we appreciate how frustrating this has been.
We are working on the assumption that available rooms /time/ day are open for booking from the 1st of September, however it can take a week or more to gain confirmation, as other local associations will be doing the same.
As soon as we have our bookings confirmed the Group Coordinator will pass it on to the group leaders, who no doubt will contact their members. You can find contact details for the group leaders on their individual group pages.
We have had no communication yet about the bar area downstairs. The last we heard (unofficially) was that the running of the bar/cafe had been put out for tender, but there had been no takers. Again, as soon as we know, we will let you know..
Social support update (from Sandra)
Hi, I'm Sandra Dunderdale - your new support officer.
My aim this year is to offer help and advice to any member, whatever social problems you may have.
If you need help with any emergency situation (dog walking to shopping, translation to lifts, or a visit) or perhaps you need to borrow some mobility or medical aid, let me be your first port of call. I will either have a contact, or can advise you the best place or person to ask.
If you don't ask, I won't understand what is needed. I need your help to make this a truly supportive system.
None of us will ever know when we may need help, so let the u3a family support you. We have a list of volunteers offering up various tasks, and I am also gathering a list of local English speaking trades people who have been recommended.
If you can offer up your time - perhaps for dog walking, shopping, social visits or lifts to the medical centre, then I'd really love to hear from you. And if you need some help, just get in touch.
Travel and trips update (from Terry)
As well as a Quiz Master, Terry is also hoping to be our Bingo Maestro!
Bingo is still in the planning and hopefully the first trial session will be on Tuesday 24th September. If this goes well and has good attendance it will become a regular (possibly a weekly) event. We are getting a lot of positive response, so hopefully this will become a social event that many of our members will look forward to.
Benidorm Palace: Although the price has not yet been confirmed we are looking to get a coach to the Special 'Save My Life' Gala event on Sunday 13th October . The gala will feature a music, dance and magic show, with the participation of renowned artists. Pencil it in in your diary for now. A meal will also be available (optional).
We continue to look at future trips and events.
Keep an eye on the u3a Oliva website, our Facebook group and your emails for more information really soon.
Groups update (from Carol-Ann)
- Feel like getting fit after our long hot Summer?
- Want to learn or improve your Spanish?
- Interested in reading and discussing new books?
With over 30 groups up and running, there's something for everyone. Check the website for a full list of what's on offer.
If you can't decide, why not come along to our coffee morning on Thursday Sep. 5th and meet our committee and members for a coffee and a chat. Please come and talk to me if you would like to see a new group set up, or wish to offer to teach or share a skill.
Possible new groups
There has been a lot of interest in Chair Yoga. I am just waiting for the tutor to get back to me with a time/day for the sessions, then I can book a room and open up the group.
We have a lot of members interested in learning to draw. If there is anyone who is willing to teach, please do get in touch. Or maybe you know someone who has the skills but is not a member, please ask them to get in touch.
We have also had an offer from a Spanish speaking lady to run short six week basic Practical Spanish sessions, to help kick start your confidence in understanding and using the Spanish language.
Dates for the diary
Lots of events coming up. Keep an eye on the u3a Oliva website and the u3a Oliva Members Facebook Group for the latest info.
Coffee Mornings
Coffee Morning / Meet the Committee on Thursday 5th Sept (from 10:30) at Tasca Olivense. And we'll treat you to a drink!
Coffee Morning on Thursday 26th Sept (from 10:30 - 12:30) at Tasca Olivense. A great way to meet other members and pay subscriptions.
Guest speaker (tbc) / Coffee Morning on Thursday 2nd October (from 10:30 - 12:30) at Tasca Olivense. Keep an eye out for information about our speaker.
BINGO on Tuesday 24th September at Tasca Olivense. We're still working on timings - keep an eye on your emails, our website and our Facebook group for news.
'Just one thing' Mindfulness session - starts Wednesday 9th October
And we have exciting plans for a trip to the Benidorm Palace on Sunday 13th October. More news soon!
News from your committee
We publish the latest information from committee meetings and our annual general meeting so that you can keep up to date.
Our latest documents are
- Draft minutes from our latest committee meeting
- Accounts from July 2024
- Accounts from June 2024
- Minutes from our Extraordinary General Meeting in May
- Draft minutes from our Annual General Meeting in May
If you have any queries, or would like copies of older minutes or accounts, just email the secretary.
And finally
Don't forget that we have a Buy & Sell page on our website - where you can advertise goods you no longer need.
And our Facebook group is a great way to stay up to date on trips, events, groups and updates from u3a Oliva. It's just for our members.
Thanks for your time. If you have any feedback on the update, email president@u3aoliva.org