Some email accounts are being upgraded to better support people in key roles. The webmaster will let you know if an upgrade is available to you.
The new accounts keep the same address, but are managed in a different way.. It means that emails shouldn't get rejected by spam filters, don't get bounced around to private accounts, and sent emails will come from an official address not a private one. It also means that when a jobholder changes, the email archive can move to the new holder.
Setting up your mail apps
If you have been upgraded, then you'll want to update your mail apps to securely access your emails. You can access your upgraded mailbox through your normal apps or desktop programs (like iPhone mail, Outlook etc) or on the web.
Your email address and email password will be provided by the webmaster.
You'll need the following information when you set the account up.
Server type IMAP (not POP) |
Incoming server If asked, use Port number 993 (SSL/TLS) |
Outgoing server If asked, use Port number 465 (SSL/TLS) |
Check the tailored information for your email program here.
Reading your emails online
You can also read your emails online. You'll just need your email address and password.