Speaker: Meet Lauren Staton

Event type: Meeting
Date: Thursday 25th April 2024
Time: 10:30am
Group: Coffee Mornings
Venue: Tasca Olivense
Angela Town

Explore with Lauren Staton how her commitment to sustainable practices, such as organising clothes-swapping events has led to funding a school in India.

Join her for an engaging presentation on the ripple effect of small actions, the power of the community involvement and the profound impact they can have on women's empowerment, education and environmental care.

Her passion and enthusiasm for enriching the lives of the under privileged is plain to see,

Full of enthusiasm, extremely motivational and always full of ideas. She spends balances her life between raising funds and supporting a school near Jaipur; visiting and teaching there every year. Trying to save the planet from the huge clothes mountain of unwanted clothes, organising events to help the causes she is passionate about, as well as finding time to support local artists, create art events and to do her own painting.

Why not come along and find out more about her story.