Next Quiz - Monday May 13th

Event type: Social
Date: Monday 13th May 2024
Time: 7:00pm
Group: Quiz
Venue: Bar Pelut
Terry Calpin
Cost: 15€
Booking: Note that booking is required.

As always, the format is based on a UK Pub Quiz consisting of two rounds of General Knowledge questions on various topics, and three table rounds that are completed before, during and after the meal without a quizmaster (usually picture rounds, Dingbats etc.)

Close up of couple taking part in a quiz, whilst eating dinner

The quiz is open to anyone so long as at least one team member is a paid-up member of the U3A. This means your friends or visitors are more than welcome to join us for a fun night including an excellent meal and good company, not to mention great prizes for the winning teams.

Teams are up to 6 people, but if you are an individual or a couple wishing to be part of a larger team, please add a comment on the Booking Form.

Bookings are now closed