
Status:Active, open to new members
Terry Calpin
Group email: Quiz group
When: Monthly on Monday evenings
2nd Monday of each month
Venue: Bar Pelut

About the quiz

The monthly u3a Quiz is a great opportunity to test your knowledge, whilst enjoying a three-course meal at Bar Pelut. There are prizes on offer for the winners of each round.

The format is based on a UK Pub Quiz consisting of two rounds of General Knowledge questions on various topics, and three table rounds that are completed before, during and after the meal without a quizmaster (usually picture rounds, Dingbats etc.)

Quiz returns in the Autumn

A team can consist of up to six members with one member acting as team captain. The captain will be responsible for registering the team name on the U3A website and submitting the menu choices for their team at least a week before the event. The team captain will collect all the money due for their team which is payable on the night. Individuals, couples or smaller group can also join up with other groups to make a larger team.

The quiz is open to anyone so long as at least one team member is a paid-up member of the U3A. This means your friends or visitors are more than welcome to join us for a fun night including an excellent meal and good company, not to mention great prizes for the winning teams.