Body & Mind

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Body & Mind group
When: Weekly mornings
Tuesdays , Thursdays and Fridays from 10am (for an hour)
Venue: Pensionistas

The aim of each class is to get to know your own body. It will be serious, catering for a range of levels of experience whilst being enjoyable and fun at the same time. 

A typical class begins with a warm up with music and progresses with a series of exercises focusing on muscle strengthening, stretching and awareness of your body.  Our class leader, Noes, will pay close attention to the implementation of all the exercises to ensure that you get maximum benefit from doing them.   

Classes usually finish with relaxation and guided meditation which will generally involve breathing methods, guided imagery and other practices to relax the Body and Mind and so help reduce stress.   

Over time, the technique of combining Body and Mind exercises is said to improve mental wellbeing. 

To take part, you'll need to bring an exercise mat and towel, and wear comfortable clothes and sport shoes.

Getting involved

Email the group leader to sign up, or find out more.