Flamenco Dancing

Status:Active, open to new members
Virginija Langbakk
Group email: Flamenco Dancing group flamenco@u3aoliva.org
When: Weekly on Thursday mornings
11-12 Intermediate group, 12-1 Beginners group
Venue: Pensionistas
Cost: There will be a small charge for each session.

Flamenco dancing is known for its emotional intensity, proud carriage, expressive use of the arms and rhythmic stamping of the feet.

Flamenco dance class - close up of dancers legs

If you would like to be emotionally intense and stamp your feet, why not get that proud carriage ready and give this a try?

The flamenco, rumba and sevillanas classes will offer an opportunity to study these dance styles that although seen throughout Spain, are more typically from Andalucía.  Sevillanas is a partner’s dance that, as the name implies, comes from Sevilla and is often danced at the feria de abril: “The April Fair”. Rumba is danced throughout Spain at parties and gatherings, whereas other flamenco styles are more serious and require more technique. 

In the class we will study arm and hand movements, footwork, castanets and as choreography, we will look at Rumba and Sevillanas.

The Flamenco group offers two classes - one for intermediate dancers with some experience, and one that's perfect for beginners.

With new beginners’ classes, there will be a chance for everyone to learn this exciting dance and to progress to even more difficult routines! We expect the group to begin with a 50-min session, there will be a small charge for each session.