Help & Support (Group)

Status:Active, open to new members
Angela Town
Deputy Leader:
Denise Hart
Group email: Help & Support (Group) group
When: Monthly on Monday afternoons
Venue: Pensionistas

u3a Oliva is all about empowering and helping our members. The vision is to use our natural empathy, sympathy, resources and community spirit to help and support each other when needed. This we do by donating an hour here or there and through the loaning of resources as and when you can.

This page includes some additional information, but you'll find the main support page in the Members section

Guides and training (planned)

We hope to be able to offer advice, guides and maybe teaching sessions on a range of useful topics - for example.

  • Digital signatures and why they are helpful for tracking Ajuntamiento demands/bills and payments. Help to get them.
  • Medical centre app (download and show how to use it).
  • How to apply for the subsided holiday scheme.
  • How to apply for a disability parking badge.
  • The new app for tracking your car information.

Practical support (items and help planned)

We also have a list of items that can be borrowed - we'll update that here soon. The list of loan items will also include car seats / booster seats and pushchairs / fold up beds / even tools and equipment etc., as well as a more expansive medical equipment list. We all have something lurking in a cupboard. If you need something or can donate something useful, email

And we hope to be able to offer hands-on support too - like offers of help with dog-walking, shopping or lifts. Again, we'll update the support page when we have more information to share. If you'd like to get involved in offering time to help other members, email