History & Appreciation of Art

Status:Active, open to new members
Robert Sedgley
Group email: History & Appreciation of Art group
When: Monthly on Tuesday afternoons 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
We have ceased meeting for the summer and will restart on Tuesday October 1st
Venue: Biblioteca de L'Envic
Cost: Free

The activity of the group is to further our understanding and appreciation of art through an illustrated talk from the leader and with contributions from the group. All are welcome; whether expert or not come and join in the conversation, find out more about the wonderful and surprising world of art.

We have now been running for about eight years and have come in our chronological survey up to the beginning of the Twentieth Century, and are looking at the revolution in the visual arts that we call Modernism. For new members who wish to acquire a background understanding of what went before I recommend reading the notes of previous meetings. These are complete from the earliest paintings on the walls of caves, up to the early moderns: Fauvism, Cubism, Expressionism and Futurism. However, this is by no means compulsory – we are not an exam group!

All are welcome; whether expert or not come and join in the conversation, find out more about the wonderful and surprising world of art!

Leader: Robert Sedgley

Summer Break

We start again in October, when we will be looking at the work of Marc Chagall

Tuesday 1st. October 5.00 p.m. at Biblioteca l'Envic

Marc Chagall, The Fiddler (1912)

“I did not see the Bible, I dreamed it. Ever since early childhood, I have been captivated by the Bible. It has always seemed to me and still seems today the greatest source of poetry of all time."

"All colours are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites."

"When Matisse dies, Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what color is... His canvases are really painted, not just tossed together. Some of the last things he's done in Vence convince me that there's never been anybody since Renoir who has the feeling for light that Chagall has." Picasso