Spanish: Intermediate

Status:Active, open to new members
Anne Milner
Group email: Spanish: Intermediate group
When: Weekly on Wednesday afternoons
From 17:00 to 18:00
Venue: Pensionistas
Cost: €3.50 student per session

This group was formed as a beginners group some years ago. Happily the students have progressed very well and the need was seen to turn it into ‘intermediate’.   

Our teacher, James, has been living in  Spanish-speaking countries for over 20 years and has developed a deep love  and enthusiasm for the  language. Being an expat himself, he is all too familiar with the frustrations that Spanish bureaucracy can bring us – these items are frequently covered in the lessons. He has made all the mistakes already (asking the waiter for a beso instead of a vaso!!) and can help you to avoid them.

Not sure if the level is right for you? You are welcome to sit in on the beginners group which precedes this group.  That can help you decide.