Walking Football

Status:Active, open to new members
Mike Thomas
Group email: Walking Football group walkingfootball@u3aoliva.org
When:Weekly on Friday mornings
From 11:00, but please arrive 10 minutes early
Venue:Polideportivo Oliva
Cost:2€ per session

Walking football is a form of the beautiful game designed for those of more advanced years who thought their footballing careers were over!

Close up of someone about to kick a football

We want players to have fun and get some worthwhile exercise at the same time.  As the name implies, running is not allowed and there will be minimal contact. It’s a game of skill, not physicality!

The group is aimed at all ages and abilities, male and female, and everyone is welcome.

We are playing at our usual venue, the blue concrete 5-a-side pitch on the far side of the full-size football pitch at Oliva Sports Centre, weather permitting. To get to us, come through the space in the fence at the bottom end of the car park and bear around to the left.