Wine Tasting

Status:Active, open to new members
Pam O'Neill
Group email: Wine Tasting group
When: Monthly on Friday evenings
4th Friday of the month, from 7.30pm
Venue: Bar Evaristo
Cost: Cost of Tapas + Wine

This group is for people who like to talk about wine, research it, do comparisons, have blind tastings, discuss the merits (or not) of different Denominacion de Origins, visit a few Bodegas and vineyards and of course taste it and appreciate it. We also hold a "Bring Your Favourite Wine Evening" and members might want to organise a look at their favourite D.O.s.

We are not out to get intoxicated (honest) as in tasting we will share one bottle of wine between eight people, but there will be six bottles tried in an evening.

We typically meet at restaurants for tapas and of course, you will have to buy the first drink (perhaps water etc). We will then share the cost of the wine.

person pouring wine into a glass

Next tasting

We meet once a month - the next tasting / tapas is on Thursday 27th June at the Sabores restaurant in Oliva.

This time we'll be focusing on Organic wine, with a blind taste test to see if you can spot which wines are organic and which aren't. It should be a lot of fun.

It's just 15€ for the tapas, and 5€ towards the wine.