Amble in Salem

Event type: Other
Date: Tuesday 7th May 2024
Time: 10:30am
Group: Amblers
Terry Stuart
Booking: Note that booking is required.

Under normal circumstances it becomes too hot for ambles in May. However, this year is proving an exception to the rule. As it is currently so cool we thought we could take advantage of the cool weather and have one last amble of the season.

Salem is a delightful mix of Olive and Almond groves with a dash of woodland added for good measure. All of which contributes to an enjoyable and interesting experience. This is a relatively short amble, approximately 4K in total, a bit hilly for the first 2K but downhill for our return to Salem.

If you plan to attend then you must notify the group leader in advance. You should also confirm if you want to join the group for a menu-del-dia.

Details of the walk

Just a reminder - you should email the group leader to confirm you are attending, and whether you want a space booked for menu-del-dia.

Start TimeWe meet for coffee at 10:30 at the Bar L'Era, Salem, after which we drive in convoy lead by the group leader's car.
Route & DescriptionThis is a relatively short amble, approximately 4K in total, a bit hilly for the first 2K but downhill for our return to Salem. The amble is through olive and almond groves and some woodland.
At about halfway we stop at Font d'Elca, a lovely maintained rest and picnic area.
Getting to the meeting pointFrom Oliva take the CV683 in the general direction of Gandia. At the Benifla roundabout turn left on to the CV60 going in the direction of Albaida. Leave the CV60 at the signposted exit to Rafol de
Salem on CV 615 (don’t go to Rafol). Turn left on to the CV614 at the roundabout to Salem. As you enter Salem, Bar L'Era is on your right hand side.
It takes about 40 minutes to get to Salem from Oliva.
You can park in front of Bar L’Era or in the road to the left of the Bar.
After the Amble we can have a “Menu del Dia” at Bar L'Era.

Please let Terry know if you will be coming and if you wish to stay for lunch.
Things you'll needStout walking shoes or boots are recommended. Walking sticks are optional.
Please email me if you want to car share, I will try & put drivers & passengers together. Well behaved dogs are welcome. Don´t forget to check your E-Mails before leaving home, just in case we need to cancel the amble due to bad weather.