Badminton (Intermediate/Advanced)

Status:Active, open to new members
Paco Morera Frasquet
Deputy Leader:
Atul Raicha
Group email: Badminton (Intermediate/Advanced) group
When: Weekly on Wednesday mornings
09:00 to 11:00
Venue: Polideportivo Oliva
Cost: 3€ per session (for court fees)

This new intermediate/advanced Badminton group offers more challenging games for more confident players. It works alongside our existing badminton group that's open to all.

The objective of the group is to improve positioning, tactics and movement around the court and to deliver more effective attacking and defensive games. Group members are limited by the availability of courses and the need to ensure a reasonably competitive standard of play.

If you are a confident player then you're welcome to come along to a few sessions to try the group out. If it's the right level, and you meet the required standards, then you'll be welcome to join.

The group will take a rest through July and August