Your AGM, and your choices

As part of our constitution, we hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. In the build up each year there is the opportunity for members to give their views on a range of topics, and to agree any specific decisions that the committee put to the members. It's also where the committee membership for the following year is approved, and the u3a Oliva's accounts are signed off too.

Your AGM is being held on Thursday 23rd May from 11:30. It is being held at the Pensionistas centre in Oliva

The Agenda

At this AGM we'll agree a number of topics - including new committee members, approval of accounts and the level of our membership fee.

You may find the following documents useful.

Voting / approving

Votes / approvals were accepted online and by email - but these options closed on Sunday 19th May at 18:00.

You are still able to have your say using a paper form before the AGM - email the secretary for more information. Paper form votes / approvals must be received by 11:00 on Thursday 23rd May so they can be counted before the AGM begins.


If you have any queries, please get in touch